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$TEC Token Contract: *0x8Fc7C1109c08904160d6AE36482B79814D45eB78 (OP Mainnet)*

Velodrome DEX

Augmented Bonding Curve

Acquiring $TEC

There are 2 ways to acquire $TEC:

  1. Secondary Market - Decentralized Exchanges (DEX’s) offer you the ability to make simple swaps with many different currencies. Currently, the $TEC liquidity pool is deployed on the Velodrome Finance DEX.

  2. Directly from the Augmented Bonding Curve - The Augmented Bonding Curve is a Primary-Issuance Automatic Market Maker (PAMM). This is how $TEC tokens are minted and burned from the total supply. There are two main reasons to interact with the ABC including arbitrage opportunities with the secondary market and to allow value-aligned token holders to contribute to the TEC Common Pool. Each purchase and sell on the ABC contains a small tribute (tax) which is sent to the Common Pool and is used to fund our Grants Program.

<aside> 💡 Prerequisites: We hold the assumption that purchasers of the $TEC token are familiar with self-custody wallets such as Metamask. If you are not, please connect with us on our Discord. We would love to help!

If your wallet is not already connected to the Optimism Mainnet, you can add the network to your Metamask wallet using the following steps:

  1. Select the Network dropdown tab in the top-left of your Metamask browser extension.
  2. Click “+ Add Network”
  3. Search for Optimism in the Metamask Network search page.
  4. Find Optimism Mainnet on the list, Click “+Add” and then “Approve”
  5. Fund your wallet by sending $ETH to your wallet address, or bridge it from Ethereum Mainnet here.

Step-by-Step Guides on how to purchase $TEC

How to Purchase $TEC on the Secondary Market

How to Purchase $TEC through the Augmented Bonding Curve